setembro 19, 2024
Editora Cubile lança livro sobre a história de Sorocaba
Exposição de Artes Janelas do Brasil
Homenagem ao concurso Miss Brasil
O luar e o amor
Aldravia (3)
Em toda estação há solidão
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Editora Cubile lança livro sobre a história de Sorocaba Exposição de Artes Janelas do Brasil Homenagem ao concurso Miss Brasil O luar e o amor Aldravia (3) Em toda estação há solidão Penso em ti e logo te quero

Marcelo A. Paiva Pereira: 'The invisible battle'

Marcelo Paiva Pereira

The invisible battle

A being of microscopic dimensions

It has attacked all civilizations;

Regardless of the degree of development

It permeates environments at any time.


Insignificant and rudimentary organism

It depends on other beings to survive;

Melifluously invades cell composition

And it multiplies until the host dies.


Air is your transmission vehicle

And he always welcomes those who give him a hand;

People travel around the world

And he doesn’t want to leave or leave.


We waged a silent war

Against a mortal and invisible enemy,

It made us feel how sensitive life is

And our most difficult recovery.


Several quarantines have been enacted

That has lasted for dozens of days;

Aim to achieve total isolation

And prevent the spread of this deadly virus


Around the world they have emptied entire cities;

Its inhabitants retreated to their homes,

They closed doors and windows, and turned on the taps

To sanitize contaminated hands.


The lack of work and income caused hunger;

So that life is nourished by what each one eats,

Many people have to go out to earn income

And challenge the lethality of the virus in this strife.


Winning the virus that hangs in the air is a silent war,

To be fought with some powerful vaccine;

We hope the success of science research

While confined we wait for her with patience.


Marcelo A. Paiva Pereira

Marcelo Paiva Pereira
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